We got lots of fun things for Easter from Grammy, Erika and Grammy Diane. We also got treats of course and made some very fattening sugary cookies. Nolan is a great help in the kitchen and really enjoys working on treats with me.

This road has been a major focus in our lives recently. It's unfortunate to be so caught up in a trivial matter, but we were told for a year we could use the road to the north of us to access the new house site. The neighbor just produced a deed to it however and is hiring a lawyer to block our access, as well as our neighbor to the north who recently purchased that parcel to restore a wetland. We had to hire an attorney and have evidence that her title is invalid and the county owns the road, but it's messy and we're not sure what will happen. Trying to just relax and know it'll all work out. Too bad start out on bad terms with the neighbors though.