Just like his big brother, Caleb has gotten into the Little Tykes car. He doesn't play in it as much as Nolan did, but he does like it. In general, his favorite thing to do is find whatever he can to throw into bushes or puddles. I find many interesting things when I'm weeding or after the rain dries up. He's also very into dirt and rocks of course.

The boys still seem to be enjoying their slide and the train set too. I need some things for the kitchen set. They play there for a minute, but get bored and knock it over on most days.

Nolan has mastered the three year old stance and matching bossy voice. I'll call this photo "the supervisor". He was telling me about the new house and foundation here.

Dad built an awesome treehouse for us in the redwood clump. It's much more amazing than I imagined. He also framed in a large deck below on a stump. We have to finish painting the inside and put the plywood on the deck. I also want to add a slide/swings, cargo net etc . It's a work in progress but the boys love it already.

We've been having some rain lately but we've also had some sun and our friends Cole, Carson and Amanda got to come play for awhile the other day.

Here is the tree house after we stained it.

We've still been doing a lot of clearing and burning. This area will be the new play area for the kids once we get it cleaned up. I moved the sandbox over here ,but need to put down fabric and landscape.

Nolan helped out with moving some wood around. He loaded most of that into the bobcat.

Dad scrounged around the property for lumber so the project barely cost us anything. We weren't able to help him much so he had to do most of the work all by himself.