May is almost half over and it almost feels like summer is here. There are lots of pretty flowers out now and we're trying to keep up on the yard. The trailer is still on our lot as you can see. We found a couple that want it, but there are only two movers in town and they're booked so we're just waiting....The tax assessor came out and gouged us for having two residences so hoping to get rid of it soon and appeal our assessment.

Caleb loves his new plastic "mamower" and Nolan even helped me mow the lawn with it. I would have bought one long ago if I knew it would be this much fun. Well worth the $5.

I got to do some fun work projects inland and the meadows were starting to bloom. It was very pretty and I loved sitting to eat lunch with all of the butterflies (and Happy too).

Our new friend Harvey was born last month and another friend Samara was born on the same day at the same small hospital at the same time (with same length and weight!). I didn't know Samara was there until a few days after I visited Harvey, but she was right next door.

Caleb loves his new little skateboard and the boys developed this ramp when I was doing housework and not paying attention.

He hasn't ridden it much since our road is so bumpy, but Caleb got a bike from his buddies Cole and Carson, since they outgrew this one. If you can see, his tongue is sticking out because he's saying "cheeththth". He's got a cute little "lithsp". Now Nolan wants a new bike, but he barely rides his old one, so good luck on that I told him. =)

This old threewheeler hasn't worked since Happy chewed the battery charger cord last year, but that doesnt' stop the boys from trying. We have been riding the real 4 wheeler around the yard a lot.

More mowing photos.

Caleb has some great faces. This is one. (grrrrr) He marked his face with marker (Nolan's back got marked up too).