Christmas chaos

OK so it wasn't that chaotic, but it sure feels that way after gift opening with children! I almost got my Christmas cards out in time, didn't overspend too much and got to decorate our new home for the first time. It feels so empty since we took it all down, but much easier to clean. Nolan and Caleb loved Christmas songs and we kept the digital radio on the holiday songs and the DVD player loaded with movies from the classics (Frosty, Rudolph etc.) to the newer ones with Mickey or Diego. I loved listening to them try to figure out a lot of the caroling lyrics (I still don't know what half of them mean!) I especially loved how they made up their own. Like a "Jolly Rodger Christmas". =)
Grandpa came to visit us this year since we used up our vacation money and time at work. For once there wasn't much to do and the golf course was flooded, so he did what he could which was basically some closet shelving and brush clearing/burning. He did get to hang out with the boys quite a bit which they enjoyed. The got to play "chase me monster" every day and had a buddy to pay attention to them while we cooked or cleaned.

Grandpa was very accomodating and played pirates with Nolan and Caleb (AKA Captain boogernose) who gave him his sniffley nose and cough.

Caleb loved his cashmere sweater from Costco and his "cutey wed surt" from Grammy. He's getting into dressing himself now and is no less assertive than his older brother about his tastes. It generally should be red, warm, Thomas the Train or Lightning McQueen and preferably some combination of the above. He can recognize his name now and enjoyed finding and opening presents this year.

Nolan wore his cashmere sweater because I made him. He also enjoyed the present opening and meticulously stashed all of his in a special spot by the couch.

Our wonderful friends The Beards invited us over for Christmas eve with some other friends. We have done breakfast in the past, but dinner was great. Acacia is getting pretty long hair again and the kids played together well. Here they are goofing off and cleaning up. Acacia is one girl the boys can be themselves around. She loves trucks and cars (and fireengines) too!
The boys played with all of their toys for a few minutes each and then spent the next few days "camping" or "hunting bigfoot" with the headlamps and backpacks they got for Christmas. They used a jump roap on the stairs for "rock climbing". Not sure where Caleb's pants went, but I see he's got his favorite shirt on still (different day then photos above in stripe shirt).
Happy New Year everyone!