The boys had a great time with the styrofoam that came with my new TV and stereo. This is just the beginning. By the end it looked like it had snowed in my house.

I have been putting my parent hours in at the school and got to take the kids on a walk one day. It was a great experience and they made me the most amazing thank you cards.

I took the boys to the zoo one day and we had a great time. They are charging an entrance fee now, but it's worth it.

We made a few things for Halloween, have been to the gym and to Bouncapalooza a few times. My cell phone takes horrible pictures, especially in low light, but you can see the action at least.
The rain is here and we've been collecting water samples. It's not really difficult work and pretty fun actually. The hardest part is getting down to the creeks sometimes through the nettles and berry bushes. They found a body in Luffenholtz creek earlier this year. Hopefully there won't be any more of those! There's Stephanie looking professional!