Well, it probably wasn't my finest idea, but I couldn't resist seeing some Austrailian shepard pups I saw in the paper. I've been looking for a couple years for purebread/unregistered and haven't seen any. Teh breeder, parents and litter looked good and this one little girl just loved the boys. Two of the pups got taken by the guy before me (he already had a dog from a previous litter of theirs), two of the dogs hid and one was more focused on me. But this little one chased the boys all around the whole time and she was very alert and loving. She doesn't have a name yet, but she's been a great little gal so far. She seems to listen well, is sleeping in the crate and is going potty outside when I take her. She's a tri-color black so she'll look like Oz but black instead of blue merle.

Oz has been good with her so far, but based on past experience he's likely to get nippy with her at some point. He's a grumpy old man and doesn't handle puppies well so we'll have to make sure he doesn't get too jealous.

The pup loves the boys and cries when they aren't around. Her and Nolan run in circles and back and forth for hours and everyone gets worn out. Nolan has been great with her so far and I think he's really enjoying his new friend. Caleb likes her too, but she's a little rough for him sometimes and can knock him over.

We gave her a bath to get rid of that litter smell and she didn't seem to mind.

The puppy sometimes shares the mudroom with Oz and I'm sure she'll end up chewing on some shoes.

At the end of the night she was ready to sleep and didn't cry to long in her crate. I woke up in the middle of the night to let her out to go potty and I made Nolan go to since we're ready to move him into underwear at night, but he sometimes can't make it until the morning. It should work out well.