It's been a busy month so far and I've got a lot of updating to do. I've been working hard on my thesis and my defense date is scheduled for the 12th of April but I'm skeptical that we'll be able to do it. My advisor and I can't seem to see things eye to eye and we keep going around and around and it never gets done. It's been over a year since I first turned it in. I'm running out of energy, money and interest for the project so I'm hoping he's happy with it soon. I found out I have another semester worth of coursework as well so I might as well just wait one more semester. I'll get it ready to defend and just wait. I'm too burned out to put much more energy into it this semester.
The boys are awesome. Nolan is getting down all his letters and numbers. He's very into Dinosaurs and space. He's also on a Dora the Explorer kick. He finally got into preschool and quit clinging to my leg when I leave about two weeks ago (after three years of partime daycare, it's quite an experience to leave with him happy). Caleb continues to smile and laugh almost always. He went through a grumpy stage with some toddler tantrums but appears to be over it again. His favorite hobby is climbing on things and jumping off when I'm not looking. He has a scratch on his head, bruise on his cheek and scratch by his nose. He's very into drawing, balls, and books. He's really verbal like his brother was and not shy at all. He'll hug a stanger in the grocery store if you let him. Nolan on the other hand is still a little shy. Nolan is still very into trains and we had a great trip to Sacramento where we got to go to a train museum. The trains don't run until April so we didn't get to ride as promised but at least he got to look and play. Most of the photos here will be from that trip. We also went to Chuck e Cheese while we were there and it was more fun for me than them I think!