I've been working a little lately, and although the report writing can be stressful, the field work is nice. On my last survey I ran into a large Pacific Giant Salamander and lots of neat lilies. It was very peaceful.

The summer has been interesting so far and not exactly as I had imagined. The sun hid from us for some time, but it's finally come out recently again. In the beginning of June we enjoyed a lot of time outside and at the park. We found a playgroup in Blue Lake which met Tues/Thurs and they had a great little program. Lately we haven't been able to attend because of my work on Tues/Thurs.

Caleb has been growing up really fast. He makes the greatest expressions and has a deep belly laugh. Everything is quite a joke to him, especially bothering his big brother Nolan. He really loves slides and swings.

Although Caleb throws most everything in the bushes, including chalk, we do our best to play with our toys outside and color on the sidewalk.

Nolan has been a much more smiley boy lately. He's really growing up and enjoying being a big brother.