Summer weather is still going strong and we're taking advantage of it. Both boys have been sick for about a week and I've got it now as well, but it's a nice time to be sick since all we want to do is lay around and relax anyways.

We've been eating dinner out on the deck occasionally.

My friend Nancy and I took our boys and went blueberry picking. Owen and Nolan did very well however Caleb and Isaac ran around and ate more blueberries than they put in the buckets!

The boys have let their wild sides out as well. Nolan has been increasingly easier to handle, but is still a joker and likes to test all the boundaries he can. He still loves antagonizing his little brother, although Caleb is fighting back now (really).

If my back is turned for more than 5 seconds they are into something (or out the door and into something worse). The other day I found them on dads quad. Caleb found it first and was disapointed to be shoved to the back by a bigger driver.

The boys got into the bird seed and spread it all around. Happy later ate it and we found it in piles all over the yard.

Caleb has been climing and scaling everything including any pile of lumber he can find, rocks, logs and play equipment of course.

Here my back was turned and they climbed up a pile of firewood Loren brought home

After seeing Nolan escape and bolt over to the second story of the unfinished house and watching Caleb grab nails and put them down the new plumbing pipes we finalized our deer fencing around the yard in front of the trailer and much to their dissapoinment their yard and play area is much reduced. It's much safer and less stressful though.