We decided to take a quick trip up the Crescent city and see their new Home Depot on a whim. We stopped at the beach to play a couple of times. One things we'll have a lot of is beach pictures as the boys get older.

Sometimes we take toys, but the boys are generally happy to just play with sticks and rocks. I was a little nervous and sad because we were at Freshwater Lagoon where lots of young children have drowned due to large set waves that come up and catch people by surprise and the fast currents in the area.

I like to keep them far from the water here.

The dogs had fun and Loren always enjoys spending time with the boys at his favorite place.

Caleb has learned about hot chocolate now and was very happy to get some from Dutch Brothers Coffee on the way back home. He doesn't even stop to breath once he gets ahold of the straw!

We've had a lot of birthday parties to go to lately and it's been a lot of fun. We got to go to Acacia's birthday party last week.
Home Depot is one of those great stores with fun race car carts that keep the kids entertained for a little while at least.


I'm not sure if they were kissing or biting, but they were having a lot of fun in the cart and we decided we'd have to take a photo for future embarassment.
A couple of weeks ago we had a surprisingly warm and muggy fall day and all the boys joined Carson and Cole in some birthday suit play. I had to get a couple of photos.

I added the happy faces to censor them down to a G rating.