We took the boat out to Trinity Lake to camp over the long weekend. I didn't get very many shots while we were there, but I couldn't resist Loren in his tank top putting up the tent!!

The boys and I have been going to the river to swim with friends and we go to the fish hatchery a lot. There are lots of Steelhead and Coho in the hatchery right now and they're fun to watch.

Here are the boys playing in the river.

Nolan looking at the fish.

Caleb with sagging pants because I took off his pullup and his pants don't fit right without them. He kept tugging on them, but they kept falling to his ankles and he'd trip while he ran through the sprinklers. A little sad, but funny as well.

We are picking some of the native blackberries as they ripen. The Himalayan's will be out soon, and although the plants are a nuisance the berries are bigger and sweeter.

We picked berries for about 10 minutes and a snake grabbed a small rodent right at my feet. I had no idea a snake or rodent were there until I heard the rustle and squeak! I couldn't get a great look without the kids poking their faces in but it looked like a King snake.

We finally got chickens again!! I got 3 Lakenvelders and 3 Phoenix chicks. Unfortunately 2 of the Phoenix and 1 of the Lakenvelders (my 3 favoites of the bunch because they were the most docile), got attacked by dogs and killed. We have 3 left, and I'm hoping their hens, but two are looking very rooster-like. =(

Nolan loves them all! Sorry I didn't get to rotate this image yet.