We've been trying to pick all the apples and blackberries before they fall off and hopefully we'll get to make some cider and jelly this year.
Caleb has been helping me in the kitchen a little around dinner time.
We put new sand in the sandbox, pressure washed the house, finished painting the shed and tree house and got the volcanoe back out for some dinosaur fun.
The chickens are great and laid a couple of double-yoke eggs for me. The photo with 4 yolks below is only 2 eggs I cracked for my morning veggie scramble.
We also got to go out to Willow Creek for Nolan's best=buddy Cole's birthday party. Nolan has been fine floating around the pool alone with his lifejacket and even swam a few stokes unassisted for the first time. Major progress since before swim lessons where he'd just cling to us in the pool.