I'm finally getting a few new photos up. I got a couple of our daily routine, eating breakfast and brushing teeth. I also have a couple of photos from the Valentines Day lunch at the preschool. The boys sang three very cute songs, but I didn't get them on tape. I did get them singing the same songs at home, but they didn't have their cute little outfits on or all of the other kids singing along. We adopted a new Yorkshire Terrier named Presley. She's 2 years old and very sweet and good with the boys. I'm not looking forward to the work and expense of another dog, but I really wanted a little dog to have in the house with us and I think she's a great fit for us. Aussie and Happy seem to think she's OK as well. Loren got to take a really special planeride to a special remote surf spot. One of the girls from the preschool has a family with a plane and gorgeous house there and offered Loren a ride. There's a photo of the surf, the headwaters forest and the house.