We've got a new member of our flock. Spiderwick joined us this week. He's named after the Spiderwick Chronicles. We haven't seen the movie and don't know anything about it, but Nolan heard the name and liked it. Spiderwick is an Indian Runner duck. I got him when I stopped in the feed store for straw and some dog treats. He was there with two Mallards and although I couldn't take the Mallards because we don't have a pond, I was excited to get him. I'd wanted a pair of ducks and to have my neighbor raise them while there were raising baby chicks, but the stores didn't order them this year. These ones were a special order that didn't get picked up. So Spiderwick was in the house with us for a few days. We tried to put him with some bigger chicks/chickens for company but they picked on him and didn't really let him snuggle like he wanted to. He stayed in a large tupperware container with us and got to come out for special occasions. The first couple of days he got to be in the living room, but was later restricted to tiled areas. He followed Nolan everywhere and loved to sit on his lap. He's now with our friend that picked up the earlier part of the order on Saturday at the feed store. When we get him back we might get a girl along with him and have a pair like I wanted. He's so sweet he really deserves a girlfriend.

Anyway, another exciting event was Nolan's first fishing trip with dad and our nice friend Mitch (they've got Indian runner ducks too!) Nolan got to reel in about 4 little rainbow trout. He even identified them off of a poster he saw today in the Pacific Watersheds satellite office. We're excited to have some more fun fishing days!
No photos please!
But not that much!
We've also been working really hard on the yard. Dad has been clearing blackberries and the secret garden area for the upcoming septic mound (whohoo!) and fence. I've been working on planting, pruning, weeding, mulching, fertiling etc. The apple trees and rhodis are blooming and the grass is getting green. I made Loren help me set up a garden bed just for the boys and we've been working on the tree house a lot. I'm also prepping for the bees I get tomorrow.
Planting seeds in the children's garden.