The chicks are back at the feed store, but this year was quite a bit different than before. I had to get there 10 minutes before opening on the day they got them and faced a line of people trying to get the baby chicks. I asked the employees if they've ever seen anything like it and they haven't. They assumed it was the economy and people getting an interest in backyard food production. I assume it's a fear of anarchy, but who knows. We'll see if getting veggie starts goes the same way. The chicks are growing fast though. I've got two Rhode Island Reds, two Barred Rocks, two Black Australorps and one Golden Laced Wyandotte. I'm hoping they all turn out to be girls. That's what I was told I was buying, but you never really know. I do know the boys love holding them, but Nolan isn't sure about Caleb's techniques while holding "Baby Boss", our littlest chick.

I did finally get some help putting the safety net up, but the boys enjoyed jumping without it for awhile. When Ethan came to visit I warned her that we didn't have the net up and she said Nolan had been bragging all week about his trampoline without the safety net. They like to do everything from eating dinner to reading to counting easter eggs on it. We went to the Sequioa Park Zoo for Easter, but the boys weren't that impressed, so I hid 100 eggs around the house.

I did get to peek into the hive a few times luckily and the bees are doing pretty well. I had to do a little cleanup, but I was happy to find a queen and workers as well as plenty of eggs and larvae.

And finally, there are lots of flowers in our yard now as well. We're working on building the garden beds and getting the garden in as well as taking out some invasive plants and planting natives, but for now I'm happy with all of the fruit blossums and the few bulbs we have in the yard.

We've also been able to have a couple of friends come to visit including Nolan's buddy Ethan. He mostly just wanted to play with the Nintendo DS, but I did get them to take a Pirate Booty Break. Nolan and Caleb have also gotten out the pirate ships and mixed them up with the Star Wars toys, which can make for some interesting story lines.