We went hiking in Azalea Park. The boys are getting pretty good at their bird call identification from listening to my CDs with me in the car. I enjoyed all of the flowers.
We also went to the kinetic sculpture race in Arcata. The boys loved the hippo, pirate ship and dragon the best.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
More pics later, but here are some very cute pics of Nolan for the ACS Auction dinner that had a sock-hop theme.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Grandpa builds a shed and boys help outside.
Grandpa came to visit and we got a lot of things done. We took out the holly tree and cut it up into three truckloads. I got to check on my bees and get rid of those nasty supercedure cells. Grandpa fixed my tailgate and the gates to the yard as well as put tin on my rusty truck and attempted to fix my side mirror. He also put in a lot of new lights, an outlet and a new storage shed. The boys "helped" paint it. Towards the end they just painted random scraps of plywood and got little footprints all over the porch and yard, ran around and moved things all over. More pics of finished product to come. We also released 1500 ladybugs into the garden to eat the bad bugs. I do think the chickens got quite a few of them though because I haven't seen many around the last few days. Other highlights were me getting to use the tiny chainsaw and Caleb washing dishes! Of course there was much Nintendo playing. Hoping that will get old soon or the timer will wear out.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Almost summer.....
The last couple of months of school and Nolan is reading well, starting to tell time, cutting, coloring and having fun with a wide range of kids. Here are a few friends in kindergarten. It looks like he's getting beat up there by Ethan and held by Micah, but I'm pretty sure they were goofing around after a mean game of kickball. Nolan is practicing his catching so he can try to get someone out. He's also into badmitton and we've been practicing at home and still a little scientist and finding all kinds of bugs. He found this crazy looking thing by the fence. He also had his first piano recital which went well.
Caleb is still a clown and doing lots of dances, saying hilarious things and making lots of faces. He definately has his moments of preschooler assertiveness, but is overall very sweet and finally getting into being helpful and doing chores (pics on that later).
Both of the boys helped me build the garden beds and chicken coop and put the soil and plants in. They are harder to get interested in helping than they were when they were younger, but once they're doing it they have fun and do great work. The chicks are finally all feathered out and old enough for the coop, but Emma and the other cats are always watching and ready for them to get out. The boys still love to jump on the trampoline and have light saber fights in the yard. Nolan has gotten Caleb into running around shirtless alot and I love seeing their little muscles flexing. I got to lead a bird walk in Fern Canyon with a small group for Godwit Days. We saved the Canyon and Beach for last and luckily saw very few birds (since I really don't know that many yet). The van driver did say I should apply to guide walks for the local companies and I might since work is slow. I am getting into learning the birds finally, though I think it's even harder than bugs and plants.