Grandpa came to visit and we got a lot of things done. We took out the holly tree and cut it up into three truckloads. I got to check on my bees and get rid of those nasty supercedure cells. Grandpa fixed my tailgate and the gates to the yard as well as put tin on my rusty truck and attempted to fix my side mirror. He also put in a lot of new lights, an outlet and a new storage shed. The boys "helped" paint it. Towards the end they just painted random scraps of plywood and got little footprints all over the porch and yard, ran around and moved things all over. More pics of finished product to come. We also released 1500 ladybugs into the garden to eat the bad bugs. I do think the chickens got quite a few of them though because I haven't seen many around the last few days. Other highlights were me getting to use the tiny chainsaw and Caleb washing dishes! Of course there was much Nintendo playing. Hoping that will get old soon or the timer will wear out.