Here's our first blog post! It's the middle of January and time to begin my 2006 New Year's Resolution of keeping in better contact with people and maintaining friendships. This is in addition to the other resolutions of course such as better time management, self discipline, organization, diet, fitness, creative endeavors planning.....and the list goes on. I think this resolution may prove feasible however. I let you know about our site and keep posting. All I have to do is sit back and wait for all those letters, phone calls and invitations! =) I do think that in this crazy modern society, we need to really carve out time for friendships and people though, and this is one of my attempts. The kids are growing older (as are we), time is going by. I'd like it to be rich with good experiences shared with loved ones. I hate sending out bulk e-mails that load up everyones inboxes. If you want to see our lives and photos, all you need to do is check in now! Being the most verbose and technologically obsessed, I will most likely do all the posting, but I'll try to get Loren on here as well. Hope all is well and many blessings for the new year!
Below are a couple of photos from our recent trip to Montana. We went sledding behind the 4-wheeler with our cousins Natalie, Chelsea and Jocelyn Gates at Uncle Wes and Aunt Liz's house. Grandpa had to pull a little bit too and I had to go for a ride as well. It was very nostalgic.