The boys got their haircuts at the barber again. There is a great father and son barbershop in Mckinleyville that a friend clued me into. It's one of those great places where there are lots of families and older men and everyone knows everyone else. It's like an oakey version of the Ice Cube move Barbershop. I really wanted to take a photo of both boys getting their cuts, but all I got was a beginning of Nolan.

Caleb started freaking out about the giant "bib" so I had to hold his arms down the rest of the time. The next photo I got was of them with their suckers.

We also spent some time at Hiller park with our friends Nancy, Owen and Isaac. Nolan played hard.

But Caleb fell aspleep on the way and slept the whole time.

We're definately looking forward to more days in the sun!