I loaned my digital camera out to a guy that is doing some field work for me, but I have a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.

Nolan is still very into building and he's very creative with blocks. He is very particular about his building and gets frustrated at times, but it's interesting to watch.

Caleb says some really cute things now. One of my favorites is "right" instead of "yes". He's getting to know his colors and numbers pretty well and even said prayer at meal time once.

We got to go to drive out to Nolan's buddy's birthday party. Cole turned four and we got to enjoy a day in Willow Creek.

The party was on a beautiful piece of land near the river with lots of fun stuff including a pool with slide and a large sandbox.

Nolan got the first chunk off the pinata. He's got quite a lot of practice hitting things with sticks unfortunately.

Everyone enjoyed the big payout. Taking the sucker from Caleb was the hardest thing I've ever done. I know a whole new meaning to the phrase "taking candy from a baby"

...... and more sugar.....

The roof got put on the house earlier this month. I told Nolan to look at the crane in the yard and he informed me it was just a truck with an arm on the back of it.

The house looks quite a bit different now, but here is was when they stacked the material on the roof

and after started applying it. I'll get my camera back tomorrow and add more recent ones and hopefully some cute pics of the boys.