October has been a really busy month so far and it has gone by fast.

I've still been working 2 hours a week at the gym's childcare center for a free membership and it's fun to play with the boys and all the different toys and kids.

The rain has come a few days already and the boys are enjoying their new raincoats and rainboots.

Nolan still loves spending time with dad, and dad loves the beach so that's always a good time.

We got our family photos taken at the beach and although we haven't seen them yet I'm sure their great. The boys had a fun time and were pretty dirty by the end of it though.

Nolan has been a really good big brother and is getting to be a big boy and good helper. Caleb always asks "where's nonan?" when he can't find him.

Most of the flowers are gone around the house, but my artichokes never got harvested and they make very interesting flowers.

There are still a few other flowers in the yard including Crocosmia.

Caleb enjoys blowing the seeds off the dandilion heads.

He also still enjoys trying on all of our shoes. It's cutest when he's in my heels with just his diaper on but I haven't caught that one on film yet. The vans are pretty cute too though.