October is almost over already ! We've gotten to do a few more fall things like collect leaves, put up our decorations and get a couple of pumpkins. I've been eating some candy too.

I got to be a volunteer driver for Nolan's preschool field day to the pumpkin patch for a tractor ride. The kids got to pick out their own pumkinds. Caleb got to go to.

It was very cute to watch all of the kids walking around the patch to find the perfect pumpkin. Some of them looked for bigs ones and other for small ones. Nolan wanted perfectly round ones with no blemishes of course.

Caleb just liked to play in the mud and look for the wettest tractor tire marks he could find. He definately didn't want to come home.

Here are some girls from Nolan's class. He's especially crazy about Kaitlin in the middle, but I've seen him and Gabby (in pink) giving lots of hugs lately. =) The whole class is basically blonde except Maddie.

There's the group. Nolan's buddy Cole was there too with his little bro Carson and daddy Mike. We got to play on a giant tower of hale bales when we were all done and that was most of the kids favorite part.