I'll add a few more photos and some text later, but here are pictures from a benefit for our friends adopting from Ethiopia. We got to paint and Caleb was covered as usual. We won a playstation and I'm totally nervous to start playing it. I was a major addict in junior high and high school and was hoping to postpone the video games with the boys. We'll see how it goes.
The bees are doing well. I put a sheet on the hive and reduced the entrance to stop the robbing I had started with the sugar water. I checked on Saturday and there were hundreds of eggs so I still have my queen! The workers are super busy. We also had a swarm in our yard which was cool. We got some of it on footage and I'll upload it later. I am too nervouse when I'm out there to take lots of pics yet, but I downloaded a couple that show you what I see of eggs, broodframe and larvae. I did take the one that shows the hive open with some bur comb coming off the feeder and all the frames in.

Nolan started tball and it's been really fun to practice. His best buddy Cole is on his team.
Caleb loves to put this lady bug and bee were made from stuff at Michael's all over the yard. Everyday they are in a different spot.
The boys got some new costumes from a discount store. They love dressing up. I got the grappling hook and batarangs for Nolan. Caleb finally got his Venom and Red Power Rangers costume. I let them watch their first Power Rangers movie last week. The boys also got some head and wrist bands from cousin Kailey and Caleb sports his daily. One day he was wearing the headband as a skirt and nothing else. He looked like a sumo wrestler. It wasn't G rated enough to post, but you can imagine.
I put these two videos on here because they are funny. The Caleb one is old, from last summer, but I just found it and posted it the other day.

The bees are doing well. I put a sheet on the hive and reduced the entrance to stop the robbing I had started with the sugar water. I checked on Saturday and there were hundreds of eggs so I still have my queen! The workers are super busy. We also had a swarm in our yard which was cool. We got some of it on footage and I'll upload it later. I am too nervouse when I'm out there to take lots of pics yet, but I downloaded a couple that show you what I see of eggs, broodframe and larvae. I did take the one that shows the hive open with some bur comb coming off the feeder and all the frames in.

Nolan started tball and it's been really fun to practice. His best buddy Cole is on his team.
Caleb loves to put this lady bug and bee were made from stuff at Michael's all over the yard. Everyday they are in a different spot.
The boys got some new costumes from a discount store. They love dressing up. I got the grappling hook and batarangs for Nolan. Caleb finally got his Venom and Red Power Rangers costume. I let them watch their first Power Rangers movie last week. The boys also got some head and wrist bands from cousin Kailey and Caleb sports his daily. One day he was wearing the headband as a skirt and nothing else. He looked like a sumo wrestler. It wasn't G rated enough to post, but you can imagine.
I put these two videos on here because they are funny. The Caleb one is old, from last summer, but I just found it and posted it the other day.