Summer fun already! We bought another pool. The last one was chewed apart by Happy last summer after her and her friends (two black labs) had a doggy pool party in it. I drained it to clean it out and when I came back it was all chewed up. We've really enjoyed splashing around. Loren even took a break from lots of yard work to play on the pirate ship. The Parkers came over with hamburgers and beer and we had a great Sunday afternoon. The boys are finally old enough to play in the treehouse and in the playroom alone and we can chat and have fun without worrying too much. They did make a pretty big mess with the playdough, but they helped clean up too. The wisteria and irises are starting to bloom and I still have my rhodis and azaleas and some miscellaneous flowers. The apples, cherries and pears are taking form. The mound is done and the yard is a big mess again. I was looking forward to less dust and mud with finally having the construction done, but we're regraded again and there is dirt everywhere and the house is super dusty once again. Oh well. I'm busy right now so I'm not home enough to notice! Nolan is still playing tball, but the favorite part is playing on the equipment at the schools. Caleb finds entertaining things to do when left alone. I thought the safety hat on the quad was pretty cute.