We've had a lot of birthday parties to go to including Flips for Kids Gymnastics for Madison, a great Thomas the Train party for Niko and Kung Fu Panda at the theaters for Harrison. We've also been able to have some friends over and socialize a little bit. We even went down to the market to watch a show. The Beards came all the way out to visit. Grandpa came to visit too, and we got the addition moved over to the carport and also got our fence started. I need to get some more pictures of the fence and also whatever I can of the carport being moved, but it was really neat that dad could do it. He put the beams underneath, dropped it and we moved it with a backhoe we hired and dad put the footings back on. We started the fence on the east side and are going to slowly work our way around now that we have a plan we can all agree on. The boys did a good job entertaining themselves and helping as well. Grandpa got the quad running and a new battery for it so we had fun riding that. Nolan can actually drive it by himself now. I am one over Britney Spears with letting them ride without a helmet! I'm working on the pond in the secret garden and tending the bees. We've had a real problem with a skunk getting into the chicken coop and also into the bees. He or she has found some good free meals and doesn't fall for my trap so I've had to fence the bees off at night. They're doing great though and there are tons of them! Everything is a mess again due to all of the yard work. There is bare dirt everywhere and that means lots of dust and mud. Less to mow though I guess. During the busiest week of the year for me with work we had our washing machine and microwave break as well as our hedge trimmer and weedwacker!