Here's a horrible picture of me doing a wetland delineation and I think this is my first rare sedge (Carex arcta). I haven't positively IDd it yet, but I'm pretty certain that' s what I found. I may have found Glyceria grandis as well, but I need to just take minute to check it out under the scope.

The boys added some more flowers to the kids garden. The seeds they planted had germinated, but were growing a little slowly and the boys needed some more color. The boys are doing a really great job with watering. Caleb really wanted this ladybug hat and I couldn't help but buy it for him. He's still pretty ladybug obsessed, and he looks very cute with this little hat. I also transplanted my Clematis and bought a couple of trellises. I would have liked to make them, but I'm a bit short on time. The pirate decor still abounds the whole area.

We went to Seattle for Cousin Sarah's wedding and dad met up with us. I bought this hat at REI to shield my eyes from the sun when I have to wear my glasses and Nolan calls it my 'old lady hat'. I told him I am an old lady so it's perfectly acceptable to wear an old lady hat. Here we are eating pizza somewhere in Renton.

I had to put a couple of photos of Esse and David's house up. I felt really badly about having the boys in such a nice house, but it was big enough they couldn't really mess it up too badly. Esse was supposed to stay on bedrest, but she still played with the boys and they loved her. Caleb called her Esa and they both missed her when we got home (and the big TVs and cable too)

We got to visit Janet and Tyree in Bellingham and the boys actually ate Thai food. Getting a chance to use chopsticka definately helped. The boys loved playing with all of Tyree's son's toys. He had drawers full of action figures and shelves of books. My personal favorite was a hardbacked book about Spiderman that described Spiderman and all of his foes and allis from the 1960's to the present. We learned that Spiderman's gloves allow his trichomes to get through and help him climb walls. We also learned that his mask has special one-way mirrors that allow him to see out, while no one can get in. I've been letting the boys watch some of the Spiderman cartoons and we rented Spiderman meets Daredevil on the way up.