Grammy and Papa came to visit and not only did I get to do a lot of work in the yard, but Loren and I got to go on an adults only kayak/camping trip at Stone Lagoon. We paddled over to Ryan's cove and camped. We got to go on some fun hikes and paddle around the lagoons checking out neat birds and plants. We had some pretty funny hair by the time we left.

The grass is finally growing back where we moved the old trailer addition . Some of the wildflowers I planted on the septic mound are starting to grow too. Loren finished the redwood mantle on the fireplace and we're all done with the trim!! The kids garden looks great and we finally finished landscaping the front. The plants we transplated to the barn from the addition area are doing well. Loren has a lot of madrone piled up for the winter over by the shed.

The boys had fun with Grammy and Papa. They got a lot of attention and got to go to Eureka to see a replica of one of Christopher Columbus's boats in the harbor. They got to watch some new movies too.
Amanda, Cole and Carson invited us out to Willow Creek and we played in the sun, drank Mojitos and Lemon Drops and enjoyed the pool. We even played a little ball. The fires have still be bad, but it wasn't too smoky while we were there.