Sunday, October 12, 2008

I've been able to go for a few longs runs. On saturday I went up Green Diamond property and enjoyed the view of the ocean and clearcuts. Also had a nice walk with Presley by the Parkers house. While the boys played. Most of the birds are gone, but we did have an abundance this year. This little bird was dead in Eureka (probably from a window) and I took a picture because we've had them at the house and I wanted to ID it when I got home.

Caleb and I had gone to the bead shop on our mommy's day last week and Nolan was a little jealous, so I took him in this week when he had an ear infection and didn't go to school. He was MUCH easier to bead with and picked out his own beads and made the necklace himself. Caleb entertained himself running around the store and keeping me busy. I think he just about gave the store owner a nervous breakdown. It was worse than a candy shop.