Here are a few photos from our group trip to the Mad River gravel mine. There are actually three different ones and this was the Guynup site. The river is very low and we are learning about how they get the gravel and reform the river bed to make it better for salmon rearing. They try to fix some of the things that went wrong in the past, like revegetating sites that never properly revegetated after harvesting or mining and areas that have gotten silted in from timber harvesting above in the water shed. They were also putting in some large woody debris, backwater ponds for Coho young, replanting willows and trying to remove invasive species. Sam brought his kids and they played and played. I will take my boys out there soon and play in the bullfrom pond and throw rocks in the river. Sam spent the whole time catching grasshoppers and I asked him at the end what they were for and the eat them!! Just throw them in hot oil and they're a tasty treat.