The fair was really fun for both of the boys this year. We got to see a model train set and all of the fair animals.

The goats were the friendliest and easiest to pet, although they tried to eat our clothes.

Most of the rides were for bigger kids and Nolan was still afraid of some of the smaller ones, but the car ride was definately a hit. We also had fun on the giant yellow slide, although I had to go down with both boys.

The biggest treat was the Caterpillar display of all of the tractors. Nolan and Cole even got their picture taken by the Times Standard newspaper, but we don't get the paper so I'm not sure if they made it in there or not.

Nolan got to play on the "digger-thing tractor" at the park last weekend too. Our friend Riley turned one and we had a great time at his party.

Looks like our favorite color is blue. The boys enjoyed hanging out with dad. Nolan is especially enjoying time with dad and is generally upset on Mondays when Dad goes back to work.

Caleb is very independent and very much in to slides. Although this slide was safe enough for him to go down alone. He snuck off to a very high dangerous slide and was up to the top in just a few seconds. I made it there in time to catch him at the bottom.

I had to post this great picture of Riley and his first birthday cake. It's great to see a one year old stuffing cake in his face.