Nolan has been very helpful this year, and loved being able to climb up the ladder and help. He's very parrticular about which apples and berries we can pick. Nothing that is not ripe, blemished or "squishy".

Caleb isn't nearly as picky and definately not as helpful. If he does manage to stay in one place long it's because he's eating everything we pick.

The boys are still remarkaby different. They fight quite a bit now. They seem to try to irritate each other all day long and both get irritated by the strangest things. Nolan will complain that Caleb is "looking at his eyes" at breakfast and Caleb will scream if Nolan comes anywhere near him most of the day. They antagonize each other on purpose throughout the day.

Caleb is still very into painting, music, throwing balls (and other objects).

Nolan loves to build and is very inventive and meticulous. He loves things that fly and go fast including spaceships, airplanes, and race cars. Like all the other boys his age he's obsessed with Lighting McQueen from the Cars movie right now.