We're excited to be done with the house and get rid of some of the scafolding and ladders which are a constant attraction to both boys. Both are able to climb 10-15 feet if you turn your back longer than 30 seconds so it's a bit nervwracking. Large piles of wood are still an attraction too.

Dad is busy staining siding. He constructed a trough for stain and at night he dunks it and backbrushes it. He designed some neat racks to hold the siding as it dries. We're both excited to finish it since it's been a project he has to do 2-3 hours 3-4 nights a week and can't start until the boys are in bed. We can work together on the long pieces, but he usually has to do it alone.

The back of the house is a bit more exciting than the front and we're excited about all the south facing windows and future deck and yard.

It took a very long time to get that second story up but they finally framed it and stick framed the roof. We're still missing sheeting on the second story roof but it should be done by the end of this week. Then they'll install doors/windows and siding and they're gone. The rest is up to us. The plumbing/electric and heating will go in this month and likely the roof sheeting and insulation.

Other than that we're over most of our sicknesses. We all had headcolds for awhile and Caleb's lasted the longest. Last Thursday night he had a fever and was up all night. The next morning he was fine for awhile and then had a febrile seizure and got a bad fever again. The seizure (and subsequent unconciousness) was very scary as I didn't know what was going on, but apparently it's common in infants and was just caused by an ear infection. Tylenol and meds and it's all better for now. He could have another if he gets an infection again, but he'll outgrow them and isn't epileptic. Wish they could give you a heads up on every crazy thing that happens with babies so it's not so scary, but unfortunately there are just too many things to warn us about.