Tuesday, December 02, 2008

As much as it rains here, we don't actually see that many rainbows. Saw this one a couple of weeks ago in Arcata. It was actually a full one with a small double, but I couldn't get it all with my lame camera phone.

They had twin day at the school and Nolan was twins with Ethan. It's amazing that they're the same age, but Ethan wore Caleb's shirt. My what big boys I have. I'm still doing my parent hours on Friday and there is Mrs. Zalac showing them how to do their art project.

Two different days and two shots with Ema, who is I think younger than Nolan and bigger. She will be a tall girl.

Nolan and I went to the rock, gem and mineral show and bought some new treasures. We had a great time.

Soccer pics from last summer...

Here are a few pics off a CD from soccer last summer. There was one cute pic of Caleb sucking his thumb with his blanky too. Never can have enough of those.

Cole and Nolan

Carson, Cole and Nolan

Action shot. Loren coached.

The Parkers

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Random updates

The boys had a great time with the styrofoam that came with my new TV and stereo. This is just the beginning. By the end it looked like it had snowed in my house.

I have been putting my parent hours in at the school and got to take the kids on a walk one day. It was a great experience and they made me the most amazing thank you cards.

I took the boys to the zoo one day and we had a great time. They are charging an entrance fee now, but it's worth it.

We made a few things for Halloween, have been to the gym and to Bouncapalooza a few times. My cell phone takes horrible pictures, especially in low light, but you can see the action at least.

The rain is here and we've been collecting water samples. It's not really difficult work and pretty fun actually. The hardest part is getting down to the creeks sometimes through the nettles and berry bushes. They found a body in Luffenholtz creek earlier this year. Hopefully there won't be any more of those! There's Stephanie looking professional!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

more random shots....

Both Nolan and Caleb put their jewelry they made on the fridge. They have really neat clasps theses days and the boys both got magnetic clasps. I made Nolan put his back on for a minute to take a picture and this was his pose. Caleb wore his bracelet for me.

Niko came over to play and they played a little Playstation after they had gotten all of the hotwheels out, played with lightsabers and destroyed the house.

Caleb's not quite as good as Nolan with the picture taking, but he's doing a lot better. Here's two that he took.

Caleb is also still enjoying picking glass out of the recycled baserock that we used on the driveway. I've been really impressed with how it's held up and recommend it as a great product, picking the pretty glass pieces is just a bonus!

Legos, sushi and last of the flowers...

Got to make some spaceships out of megablocks. The newer legos are kind of lame because they are SO small and they all come in kits to make specific things now. No more piles of random sizes and colors to use your own imagination. I really still like the megablocks the best. The greatest thing the kids learn is patience as they figure out the physics of making things stay together, and with their brothers destroying their creations.

A girl came over to take pictures of my bees for her photography project. She's using black and white film and a double lens camera. She'll give me copies of my prints, but she took a few with my digital this time. We had to do a retake because her camera didn't expose the film the first time. This was my first try in the hive without my suit and stuff and I was pretty nervous. Lots of deep breathing.

I am having trouble focusing on work, but I am loving my new job and I have the best boss in the world. He took us to free sushi! I'll have to get it together soon and become more productive to pay him back.

Here's Flor and her newest addition (who eats sushi!)

Clare...not so sure about here tower of tempura. It was delicious though.

My rolls were scrumtious and I loved the tea cups.

Trever and Cheryl (lunch was for her birthday)a

Most of the crew plus Bob's son Evan.

Sarah and Flor

And there's Bob, the best boss ever! (hope he reads this...)

The wildflowers I planted on the septic mound are still doing well, except the deer have really browsed them. I've still got the poppies, cosmos and lupine but other fun things are coming up as well like gilia, nemophila and the fava beans I planted.

I've been having a really bad problem with groundhogs, but I saw a crane fly (Tipulidae) larvae in the dirt here. I've never seen the terrestrial larvae, only the aquatic so it was neat. The boys like it too, but kept saying it was an inchworm or catepillar. Not Lepidopteran I'd protest, clearly Dipteran.