Saturday, April 15, 2006

We've had a few breaks in the rain and we've been able to get outside a little. The boys have been having a great time finding all of the mud puddles. Both boys and puppies seem to go right for the mud and we've been doing a lot of laundry.

They puppy earned that name of Happy. We always said if we had a little girl we'd name her Happy, but we never got our girl so the puppy is our Happy Camper! =)

Our birdfeeder is getting a lot of use, but sometimes the little chickadees get stuck and the boys love looking at them up close when we open up the feeder to let them out.

We've mostly been inside a lot and going buggy. We've used up most of our craft project items and paint. What we haven't used Caleb has eaten. He especially loves the markers, hopefully they really are non-toxic!

We've been so bored even washing dishes has been fun.