Sunday, October 05, 2008

Updates on the boys:swimming, school and haircuts. These images are from my phone and they're often blurry, but better than nothing!

Nolan is swimming!! His teacher Miles finally got him to swim on his own. He's even jumping in and swimming to the lane in the middle of the pool and going underwater. Caleb is holding on to a kickboard and jumping in and very close to swimming too. I'm really proud of the boys!

Nolan is really enjoying kindergarten. There are 4 boys and 2 girls and the teacher, Mrs. Zalac is popular with all of them. She gives lots of awards and treats! I've been volunteering on Fridays and the first week we did a project with apples. I'll post more pictures of last week. It is so interesting to see how all of the kids approach their projects. Some are very detail oriented and some are in a hurry to just get done. When given the freedom to design patterns or more creative projects their individual personalities really come out.

The boys were getting a little shaggy for private school and their cowlicks were sticking up in the morning. I gave them the option of gel and combs in the morning or haircuts and they upted for gel and combs. After a few mornings of chasing them around and fighting with them, I withdrew the option and forced them into the barber shop. It was an older shop and I loved the old hairdryers with the ashtrays. Nolan wanted to know what they were for.